Yes, my countdown has started up until the day that I turn 21. :) I'm so excited! My mom has already ordered me a copy of a super cute Jareth picture someone made on Etsy (here's the address to the page, if anyone wants to get one too:, and a friend of mine came over Thursday night, and even though she claims it isn't my birthday present, she gave me something that I absolutely adore! HAIR FEATHERS! Hahaha! They so remind me of Jareth's hairdos in the movie! Of course, we immediately put them on me. And here are some pics of me in them!
Now all I need is abou five more, right? lol ;)
Here is a video of that same friend (who really does know me all too well, don't you think? ;) )With her horse Chief. He's so cute, and really does love her. I'm the one taking the video, btw.
We both love Labyrinth (although me perhaps a bit more. yes, we both agree to that), and plan to make dresses themed after my story and the movie for us to wear to a Renaissance Festival next year. Of course, there are many different things that each of us like that the other doesn't like, but at least we bond over that and a love for horses. :)