Happy E l e v e n t h Anniversary ♥
goodtimes @ don roys.. funtimes on the bike
you've truly showered me with the meaning of love.
these eleven months have been nothing, but amazing.
from the little things.. to the extravagant memories.
you'll always remain at my side, i love & cherish you.
all our hopes & dreams have come true; soulmates.
[i love you & i miss you]
that was one of our last times together..
before he took off on his journey to Australia.
He's been gone for nine days.. it seems like eternity.
only 2 more weeks to go.. it's going to be crazy.
i can make it through it
the day i see him again.. wow, i can't wait.
it's going to be everything i've been dreaming of...
everything & more ♥