Glacia, Wednesday Fandom Time

Sep 17, 2014 16:41

Raven had asked Hannibal to accompany her to the orphanages she was inspecting today as a way to distract him from his recent troubles. Immersing herself in the welfare of others also helped distract herself from the same, of course, so the trip had a double purpose. Well, triple, since she was very dedicate to her duty of making sure the children of Glacia were well cared for.

There were three orphanages on her agenda for today, two to the north of Sidra, and one to the southwest. She was most concerned about the third, since it was in a province that had been deeply loyal to Hobart, and she had little doubt that many of the aristos there had little care for orphaned children, particularly landen ones. But perhaps she was just being pessimistic and all would be well.

Yeah, right.

[For le cannibal. Warning: dark themes ahead (this is Kaeleer, after all). And the third thread is going nsfw, la.]

what: sin (lust), warning: dark themes, what: i have a bad feeling about this, where: glacia, who: hannibal, why: because i am a cruel cruel mun

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