Name: Inuzuka Kiba
Age: 17
Sexual Preference: Any time, All the time. Er...Chicks preferably.
Division: It varies with his assignment, but he prefers to live in Celo. Not as stuck up as Ceno but not the hell pit that constitutes Cena.
Background: It's not a normal thing, most families do their best to shy away from military ties, but the Inuzuka clan can trace back their lineage for the past few generations and all of them have done their time and made whatever position they'd taken up their life. Some served as medics, a few were lucky enough to become decorated officers, more then a few just low ranking street patrols. From the time he was born, it was preordained that Kiba took up his place amongst the ranks as soon as he was old enough. Even his father's death wasn't enough to sway his decision to keep with the carefully planned life mapped out for him.
His school years sucked the most, only his drill Sergent mother could be attributed for him actually getting his shit together and keeping good enough grades throughout so that he would have an easier time moving through the carefully orchestrated ranks. It wasn't that he was stupid, there were just better things to do then study. Getting through those hellish grade school years were the worst but after that it was all downhill. Kiba didn't mind the physical drain the military training put on him. Sure there was plenty of complaints after being run down into the ground for hours on end or 3:30am wake up calls with bomb threats whenever the instructors got bored, but they were without heat and only had him making notes of what he could get away with once the tables were turned and he had a little more power under his belt. Not that he was power hungry mind you, there were just expectations to be met and he wouldn't fail his family.
His 17th birthday was celebrated with his promotion to the Arceos rank of Private Soldier. Usually it took an added year or so to even be considered for the Arceos, but with all of the added troubles brewing in the districts, properly trained soldiers were being rushed through the ranks to make room for whatever could be dragged in off the streets, and Kiba was not arguing with this new policy. It allowed him to join his mother among their ranks, and more importantly, the specialized canine training that most of their family seemed to lean towards.
Personality: Kiba is about as laid back as one could possibly be in Curia. He's a damned good soldier when he's on the clock, but off of the clock he's as normal as anyone else you might bump into. Perhaps he's almost a little too lax, as often he has been nagged about by any of his superiors (i.e. Ma), but dammit after spending all day in that damned uniform, if he wanted to go out, mix it up with the female population and maybe sneak in a beer or two, he was going to do it. He's fiercely loyal to his pledge to protect Curia, but also to his friends and family, and luckily he's not been put in a position as of yet that would make him choose between one or the other.
PB: Chase Crawford