yet. another. meme.

Oct 25, 2010 09:15

Stealing this from several on my flist. Baaahhh.

A is for age: 33
B is for beer of choice: So far, beer = yuuuck. *shrug* Have tried a few taster sample things at a microbrewery/pizza place, but nothing to my taste yet.
C is for career right now: As read in Reader's Digest, my job is to run away and call the police. Otherwise known as a security guard.
D is for your dogs/cat's name: Cat - Spencer.
E is for essential item you use everyday: Soap. That's pretty essential. And toilet paper. For funs, the computer.
F is for favorite TV show: Criminal Minds.
G is for favorite game to watch: NFL football.
H is for hometown: Crow 'blink and you miss it', Oregon.
I is for instruments you play: None. :(
J is for favorite juice: Dole's Pineapple/Orange/Banana. That stuff is MMMMMMMGOOD.
K is for whose butt you'd like to be kicking: Hmmmm. No one in particular, so gonna go with the fanatical Tea Party candidates - they scare the crap out of me.
L is for the last place you ate at: Ate at would be Izzy's a couple weeks ago.
M is for marriage: Nada.
N is for your name: Melissa
O is for overnight hospital stay: Nada.
P is for people you were with today: Co-workers, mom.
Q is for what your best quality is: Hmmm. Easy to get along with?
R is for what you're currently reading: Lately, most of my books have been audiobooks. Current one is Walter Johnson: Baseball's Big Train about a major league pitcher from early 1900's. It's pretty interesting. Actually reading are a few WIP Otalia fanfics online.
S is for your relationship status: Single.
T is for the time you woke up today: Haven't woke up yet today. :) Last time I woke up was yesterday at 10:30pm.
U is for type of underwear you have on: White cotton bikini type. Pretty boring. *shrug*
V is for vegetable you love: Corn! Broccoli and green beans are pretty darn good as well. Mmmmmmmm.
W is for worst habit: Procrastination
X is for x-rays you've had: Pretty sure it's just one time for my right ankle.
Y is for some yummies: Oh, so damn many. Twix. Heath bar, mom's homemade choc chip cookies, blended Chai tea, Heath Blizzard, melted marshmallows...
Z is for zodiac sign: Cancer.


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