According to
this, execs are trimming the cast of Criminal Minds.
By cutting AJ Cook completely and reducing the episodes that Paget Brewster appears in.
Apparently, CM is "With the exception of Vangsness’ quirky nerd godess Penelope Garcia, which has developed a strong following, the series has largely been perceived as a male-centered ensemble, with the boys getting most of the action."
*blinks* What show have they been watching? Did they not see the episodes where JJ shoots 3 charging dogs and drills a guy through a freakin' glass door? Sounds like 'action' to me.
How 'bout Prentiss taking down that one unsub last season? All the doors she's kicked in? Surviving a car crash and still tries to chase down their subject even though injured? Yeah, more action.
CM was a show with strong female characters, both an integral part of the team and of the cast. Losing an actor the show can survive (moving on brilliantly without Mandy Pantinkin proved that) but this is a gutting. Oh, and hey! It's not sexist at all that only female cast are being given the heave ho. Not at all.
Fuck you CBS. FUCK YOU.