Another meme, these are the questions
rowan_d asked me.
1. What's one of the most romantic things you'e ever seen/read/heard? It doesn't have to be by the most obvious or traditional definition, just something that touched you or stayed with you.
Romantic...hmmm. Real-life stuff, it's probably when my uncle went to buy a ring for his wife on their anniversary. Their 25th maybe?
Anyway, he went in to some jewelry place and the sales clerk tried to get him to buy a diamond ring and kept pushing even when Uncle M told him she doesn't like diamonds. The clerk kept pushing and pushing, 'all women like diamonds'. Think he finally left and went to a different store. It sticks with me because Uncle M knows his wife and he's gonna stick with getting her something she likes, not something society/culture tells him he should get.
For non real life, gonna go with this clip of Olivia talking about Natalia.
Click to view
Sorry, don't know how to have it start at a specific time in the clip. It's when Olivia is telling Doris how special Natalia is, that scene starts about at about 2:25 into the clip. Aawwww. I agree with Doris - it'd be nice to have someone talk about me that way.
Also, Olivia getting Natalia's $80,000 back, or tracking down the door molding that Natalia measured Rafe's height on.
Xena giving Gabrielle the scroll from Sappho.
2. If you could live through one episode of Stargate as Samantha Carter, which episode would you choose and why?
Oh, boy. Hmmm...I honestly have no idea. One of the comedies though - I may like watching the angsty stuff, but don't want to live it. LOL
3. What do you keep on your nightstand (or on whatever you have by your bed:))?
My computer desk is by my bed. So, computer, monitor, speakers, printer etc. There are also some books, my pills, a small notepad, box of 9mm bullets, a stack of blank CDs, lens cleaner, a massager thing, Tylenol, pocket knife, red pen, lip balm, cell phone, TV and satellite remotes, and my watch.
4. Do you wear nail polish? Explain.:)
Nope. I'm not very femme, so tend to not wear it or make-up. Also, I'm lazy and it's just not something I'm interested in spending time on. It doesn't last long and then looks way crappy once it starts chipping and that's annoying. Every once in a while I'll give it a go but it generally doesn't last more than a couple days.
5. What is your favorite holiday and why?
Well, I don't really celebrate any holidays anymore. I'm not a Jehovah's Witness, but quite a bit of my family are, soooo...
As a kid, it was probably birthday and Christmas 'cause presents!yay!
When my parents divorced when I was 12, Mom, Sis and I started studying and going to meetings and stuff. Mom tried to get me to not...not go all in, all at once. There's lots of reasons (looking back on it now) as to why I threw myself into it and though I don't follow the religion anymore a lot of it sticks with me.
So, tend to not say/type the happy birthday or merry Christmas stuff - I just feel weird and slightly guilty. And I wasn't ever baptized (so never really a Witness), so don't quite get why it affects me that way. *shrug*