'we must pretend we don't have a long term memory'

Oct 28, 2009 13:01

It's a new day in Salem.

So Carly told Bo everything, but off camera? Damn them.

Man, that brunette talking to the nurse about Nathan and Melody(Melanie?) looks about 12.

Is Nicole at Sami's door? She is. WTF does she have planned now?
Man, that baby pouts just like her daddy EJ. lol

Because talking to Chad about Sydney has worked so well for you so far, Mia...

Ha! EJ leading Chad around by the ear is pretty funny.

Life moves fast. Well Justin, not so much in Salem. A day can take weeks to pass. *sigh*

Carly wants to go check on her patient, Bo wont let her leave.
You can't be that unpopular. Carly cues a knock at Bo's door.

Fuck. I cannot wait until Sami finds out Sydney is Grace and kicks the shit out of Nicole instead of giving her hugs.

Take it this isn't a flashback, but a wishful dream. They really should do something to keep those separate from flashbacks.

Jesus Fuck. Sami is all pissed off at Stefano now and ready to go kick his ass.
Nicole appears to have convinced Sami to stay. *growls*

*blinks* Ummmm...not sure bringing up your devil storyline during the mid ep quiz is a good idea, Days. Or maybe that's just me...

Hide Carly, hide!
Maggie shows up. Who does not know that Hope isn't around. And thought she saw her through the window. heh
Carly wants to skedaddle, Bo says no again.

And Sami took off. Fuckin' hell show, fuckin' hell.
People on this show talk to themselves far too much.

Stefano is having fuuuuuuuuuuuun with Sami storming into his room.

Hahahahaha! Maggie mentions 'their house guest' to Hope. Whooopsie.
Hope quizzes her about the woman.
No, noooo, finding out some woman was wrapped in a blanket in your house isn't upsetting. Not at all. *snorts*

Mia and Will track Chad down to EJ's house.
Mia begs EJ to not let Chad take Sydney.

Sami chews Stefano up one side and down the other. Ho hum.
No no no no no, she will never suffer enough. Heh. I'm kind of with Stefano about that.
Not just for what she's done to the Dimera's, but Sami as well. Dun dun DUN.

Carly has to go hide again.
Hope comes in, using a Halloween activity book as an excuse.
She asks about the house guest.
Carly says 'Oh FUCKIN' Hell' with just her expression.

Oh, he could SO turn you against Nicole. If he wants to.
Sami's Rant Train keeps rollin' on.
...I could tell you the truth. If you only knew. As much as I hope he does tell her, it seems unlikely that he will - this soon anyway. When is Ari's maternity leave again? That's when the whole truth will probably come out.

Bo says guest is gone. Hope asks if she knows her.
He sort of avoids the question by saying he'd tell her if she did. Which, is true - she doesn't know Carly. Whether she knows of her I'm unsure. heh
Hope has a bit of a hissy fit and stomps out. *rolls eyes*

EJ blames Sami for his giving up Sydney. Will goes 'whaaa?'

Sami says a child deserves to be with it's mother.
I could not agree with you more. And then Stefano smirked the smirkiest smirk ever. heh

Bo is still insisting that Carly is staying, so he can keep her safe. Rinse and repeat a bazillion times more.

Chad serves Nicole. He's there to get Sydney.

After telling Will to ask his mother why she is to blame, EJ goes ahead and explains it.
Jeeeeeeezus, again with Mia saying she wont let Chad take Sydney; she'll do aaaaaaanything. We've got the idea already! I promise! Give her some new freakin' lines already.

Sydney should be with her mother. Her real mother. Sami gets to look confused again.


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