[A camper, who looks to be about sixteen turning seventeen, or maybe seventeen already, is sitting on a large wooden chest. He actually just turned fifteen, but no one need know that. He wants to be reading a book right now, something poetic or maybe something strange, but books are for smart children, and he doesn't want to appear too clever, not
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"I apologize for being late. My joker of a boyfriend kept me. He wanted me to help him catch rats-- as if! He can be so disarmingly disgusting at times." [She shakes her head, then perches her chin on the back of her fingers.]
You're still dating him? Wait. Why did he want to catch rats? [He just shakes his head and takes the book, opening the cover and flipping through some pages.]
Pevear and Volokhonsky translation. Thank you. You know, I can't stand reading Dostoevsky's work when its translated by Constance Garnett. It's still good, of course, but I prefer my Russian novels to actually be Russian, in some aspects. [Scoffs. Constance Garnett always makes everything so British.]
At the book, she nods.] "Agreed. I'm endeavoring to learn the language for the sake of enjoying his works in their original vision, but it's a hint for difficult than I might have given it credit for."
I intend to learn it too, but I'm trying to perfect my Mandarin first. [That would be his fifth language.] It really is incredible to read the works in their original. Have you read Nietzsche in German?
[Her fourth instrument, after violin, flute, and piano.]
You didn't tell me you were tackling the harp next, no. That would be your... fourth instrument, wouldn't it? Your talent for music will always excel my own. I can only play the piano, and I lack the passion and creativity that makes a true virtuoso.
[At the latter, she nods.] "Mm, yes, my fourth. I appreciate your encouragement, Adrian, even if it is unintentionally given. What of your own studies? Are you still insisting upon pursuing an education in business?"
You know that I'll always encourage you in whatever you choose to do, so long as it harms no one. As for my own studies? Well, business is a safe option and my parents have no objection. I would rather major in classics and Mediterranean studies, though that would be impractical. [A frown for a moment, then a smile.]
You'll probably laugh, but sometimes I think about not going to college at all. I'd rather spend time traveling, instead.
"A vagabond?" [She seems appalled.] "Why ever would you wish to discard your life and your prospects so thoroughly? When you are successful and well-established, you will have plenty of money to travel without tarnishing your reputation or living on the street as a beggar. I support you traveling, but do it when it will not destroy you."
... Well, I feel like it would be cheating if I was well established and successful only because of my parent's money. I think starting from nowhere and then working my way up to owning the world would feel much more legitimate.
"There's nothing wrong with continuing an empire rather than building your own. Sometimes it's a matter of luck and timing as much as anything else. To discard your family's inheritance for the sake of starting fresh is a fair idea, certainly, but what does that have to do with foregoing college and traveling?" [An uncomfortable pause.] "You need to figure out precisely what it is that you want, Adrian, before you make the wrong decision and throw your life away."
Actually, I'd give it to charity, probably.
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