Jul 02, 2009 21:13
Ever since Triggs flipped over on me, he and I haven't been the same. I've lacked quite a bit in the way of confidence, and I think Trigger's been aware of that. Tonight was no different from every other ride recently, he immediately started tossing his head around. He started it at a walk and each time he threw his head up, he felt like he was getting light in the front end, but he never actually went up at all. I think he's as afraid of rearing as I am now, because he clearly had the intent tonight, but was not willing to carry through with it. I started working him at a trot to discourage the behavior, when he tossed, I disengaged his hindquarters so he couldn't do anything else. And we continued on this way. At the end of the ride, I was able to do serpentines in the arena changing bend from left to right on 10m half circles without him tossing his head. However, everytime he thought I was going to ask for a canter, he would speed up and toss his head around, so after working on the serpentines, I then went on to lengthening his trot on the wall. He did really wall stretching himself out without tossing his head, so at that point I called it a day. In end it was quite a long ride, but I think it was a productive one and I have some ideas of things to do next time I ride.