(no subject)

Oct 17, 2003 14:52

1. Name five things in your refrigerator: milk, salad, ice packs, old yogurt, the rest of my orangina from lunch.
2. Name five things in your freezer: n/a - i'll name 5 things on my bedside table instead : goblet of fire, lotion, a tape dispenser [don't ask], a spoon and a rose stem.
3. Name five things under your kitchen sink: n/a again - hmm, how about 5 things on my wall. my rocky horror poster, the snape that linaeloisetook drew me, the absolut restraint ad with the guy with the tattoos, a postcard from jigglyfrog and a card that says "life is not about finding yourself. life is about creating yourself."
4. Name five things around your computer: a hell of a lot of leaves, an empty godiva box, order of the phoenix, a bottle of purple nail polish and my pack of cloves.
5. Name five things in your medicine cabinet: my proverbial medicine cabinet is actually a shoebox-sized tupperware, but here goes. extra strength tylenol, neosporin, a bunch of extra venus razor blades, day-quil cold medicine and an ace bandage.

1) What character would you love to see get his/her own show? spike from buffy... or sesshomaru from inuyasha. that guy is badass. i'd love for jkr to write a snape-centric book, but that's never gonna happen, sadly.
2) If you could get rid of one character, who would it be? ooh. hmm. i'm sorry, but cho chang should just leave and never return. and.. mm.. dawn from buffy, too, i really violently dislike and could easily do without.
3) What character do you hate, but wouldn?t get rid of? haha. have to agree with unanon and go with cyclops/scott summers. god i loathe him, unless he's being slashed with wolverine.
4) What character do you love but think has overstayed his/her welcome? kagome, i hate to say it, but sometimes she reeeeally gets to me and i want to slap her.
5) If you could move one character to a different show, who would it be? wah. vash the stampede to inuyasha, that way i could slash he and inuyasha to my heart's content. yum.

go yanks. damn the marlins for beating the cubs. and i assent - i want jeter/garciapara too. mm. going to gay twister tonight at the marks house. not really sure what it is, but anothuhday is bringing me. sounds interesting. also, think have got the job at the coffee shop next door. surprise, surprise, ANOTHER coffee shop job. do you ever feel like you have ONE marketable skill and no matter what you're going to be doing the same thing for the rest of your life? grr. anyway. job = money = happy ems. so yeah. cleaning the room now. sam, how do you have so much SHIT on your desk?! :hides own stuff before sam can say pot kettle black: ^.~ love ya babe.

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