I don't even have a resolution!

Jan 11, 2010 09:22

As Of Now: It is 8:39am, I woke up around 15 minutes ago without too much trouble. I am listening to music while updating my life on teh LJ with my iPod Touch. I need to take my car back to Belle Tire, because my new rim feels it is necessary to leak in such a speed as to be filled every other day [fuggin sucks]. I have work for two hours; a shift where I might need to call in and make sure they need me today.
While Yesterday: I woke up at 5:45pm with little difficulty, due to the fact that I was at a strip club till about 4am... in Ypsilanti... I am never seeing that money ever again XP. Went to phone team and forgot everything, but I enjoyed showing up. I ordered more XS on this very iPod, and it freaked my mother out. I filled my tire with air because that is freaking ME out. That day was my only day off from work. Went over to Mary's for two hours of "woe is me" time. Apparently it was much needed. And rather spontaneous.
What Tomorrow Brings: Hopefully my regimen still holds and I will wake up between 8:00 - 8:30am in order to go to work at 11:30 till 2:00; another questionable shift. My tire situation will be fixed. Huh? God willing? Well yeah, Colin and reader willing too, but typing something like "God willing" breeds cynicism, and that helps no one. My tire will be fixed, period. So I will be at Joe's [?] for a Shadow Run college try. After wards, I am to return to begin my packing for DC this weekend.
Leaving You With: My regimen is working, more or less. No more strip clubs for bonzo. Belle Tire is wearing my patience thin. As is employment. My iPod rocks.

[ As well as you do ]
Posted via LiveJournal.app.

regimen, living

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