Dec 05, 2009 05:40
So: Work sucks. Like, seriously, it's almost embarrassing coming into work everyday. All of the customers seems to act really immature and admirably steadfast in getting the most for their five dollar product. My question to them is: Really? Like, fucking really? Five thirty is what you expect to make your hunger go away, and you bitch and moan about how it looks? Fuck those guys. I hate how they dictate when I make money. I hate my managers way of scheduling me. Today was a standing ovation to his ingenuity: He scheduled me to come in just to go back out to shake that damn sign. In 31 degree weather? His excuse was "You should be prepared for it everyday." The last few weeks, I haven't been outside, and now it's my fault that I didn't see that coming? He needs to be framed. For something. Anything. So he can see how it's like to be blamed for something he didn't do. That would be karma.
Womens: Kayla texted me, so I visited her at her place of employ. Her manager didn't approve one bit. But we still talked, and reminisced. It felt good to walk in and get a hug so warm and heartfelt as hers. No one hugs like that anymore. Mary is attempted to become part of my life. To no avail. I've forgiven her, don't get me wrong. But she isn't anywhere near the term "desirable". And having me and Mary hangout with her friend almost makes me feel like third wheel. Why do I even bother hanging with those two? One of my managers wants me to buy her an orchid. I know what an orchid is. But seriously, wtf?
Money: Not getting better selling pizzas. I don't think anyone deserves to end up doing that. It's a decent stepping stone, but nothing long term. That's just a terrible notion for my subconscious to handle: More than two years with the Caesar. [shudder]. Trust fund is to come soon. So if anyone wants to come to Florida, let me know. Because I'll get there after you, I guess.
Family: My dad is opening up, oddly enough. After my sister and I took a random sighting such as a skid mark on a sidewalk and ran it into science, fiction, and morality just to come up with a plot line and a sweet setting for it. Estranged we call it. Wanna know what the notion is? Ask. By phone. Voice is preferable. It's pleasant to receive phone calls. But after two days of arguing and deciding on what physics work and what theories wouldn't, my dad gave me a basic rundown of a concept he had. I felt bad about my honesty: It was cliche. Like whoa. He was looking for a way to make it original: a personal hook. I told him I just couldn't do it. Wouldn't be personal. Also that sort of thing has had it's moments of popping right out of my head and onto the canvas of imagination, but it cannot be summoned. I have a muse somewhere. It's close. Not sure what or who it is, but it's common, and I have yet to put a finger on it. Stephan is really gung-ho for this trust fund to gtfo here. As am I. Adam has classes he attends and hopefully it will place him in a situation where he will fucking appreciated. My mother works. And works. My father has found a temp job, that pays a bit too much money, and that isn't a problem in the least. Starts Tuesday.
Changes: I've noticed I'm taking a more "I'm not saying it to hurt you, I'm saying it because you'll believe me four years down the road" sort of attitude. As a character on Entourage said, "I like your newfound balls." As if I wasn't honest enough, I will say it and look forward to it hurting you. Not because I'm vindictive, but it shows that you DO know better and regret leaving your preset morals in the dust during that moment. Guilt is what the good people of this world feel. Bad people do not. Rationalize it how you wish, it was a stupid thing to do, and if you didn't regret then, then you won't if and when it happens again. And on that moment, it may not end so well. Live it, burn it, learn it. Do what you must, even if that is ignoring me. That's your choice. But don't complain about the aftershocks that it causes. Because I really relish the moments of "I told you so" but I don't say it. I'm above making that sort of thing obvious. Especially if I warned you beforehand.
Games: Modern Warfare 2 is the shit, plain and simple. Suck it, Halo.
Music: OneRepublic. Heard their new stuff? Yes, good keep listening. No, then do yourself a favor and view my MySpace. The first two are my top favorites, also the ones that the band happened to post.
Moral: Fuck, IDK. A lot has happened, but nothing has changed. How about you guys? How was your thanksgiving?
[ Seriously, wut? ]