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Sep 21, 2011 09:19

Player Information

Name: Lucy
Personal LJ: vitalstar
Age: 21
Contact Info: AIM | divinascomedias
Other Characters Played: N/A

Character Information

Character Name: Link (no last name)
Character Series: Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess
Character Age: 16
Character Gender: Male
Original Canon
Canon Point: End game: he has defeated Ganondorf, Hyrule is being restored, Midna has returned to Twilight, and he is returning to Ordon.
Background Link: Here
Personality: At first glance, Link gives off the airs of a grave person on a serious mission. The shield and sword the youth carries alongside the formality of his very noticeable uniform might give the impression that he's far from being an individual one can afford to mess with, almost as if a strange severity to something unknown were following him. Throughout the game, several townsfolk refer to him as the 'swordsman' or the 'warrior' describing them to be lone wolf's who mind their own and do their deeds, as dark or dangerous as they might seem. Fortunately for Link, his kindness and good nature still has a way of expressing itself through silent yet obvious methods to the people and creatures that become acquainted with Hyrule's hero.

Kind, generous, and caring are some of the many characteristics Link holds that make him quite a unique warrior. Always determined to help those in need, the youth will go to any lengths necessary to defend those he cares for and those he feels deserve his protection as can be seen in-game with the various tribes who seem to have found ill fortunes or the people with predicaments. (Zora's, Gorons, and all those people who ask for things) Naive to the world but open minded to new experiences and adventures, the hero of courage is always curious and eager to learn. His youth and inexperience can be a clear reason behind his stubbornness to get things done (he won't take no for answers when something is needed, or shy away from scenario's that might be life threatening even if others tell him to run) and rashness in the ways of doing things (He tends to jump in heads first into situations) with his many adventures in battle. Link is very intelligent and gifted; he is quite a force to be reckoned with. Although his strengths can be fitting in battle, there's far more into his person that can keep him unsettled and uneasy despite the exterior he gives. Link is not immune to the ailments of war: fear, regret, devastation, hopelessness- but he understands the fruit of fighting for what's right. All fear for the unknown is nullified when he knows that his sacrifice due to his involvement will protect others from suffering terrible fates.

Link's self-sacrificing nature plays a key role in allowing his involvements through dangerous situations to continue. Thrown into his adventure very much with almost no information or explanation, the simple fact that his friends were in peril was enough to get him into action. Clearly, as the problem he was trying to solve expanded over greater measures, his ideology of protecting that which he considered dear to him remained. The only difference was that he began adding more numbers and more faces and even many who he didn't quite have an opinion of to his list of things to fight for. By the time anyone figured, Link was already carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders and coping silently without complaint. Despite mild misfortune's in the hero's life(no parents, no history), not once has the youth ever taken anything he holds for granted. He knows not of selfishness (He offers generous amounts of money and time to others), his own upbringing being that of a humble small town where everyone carried their own weight and helped one another taught him nothing of greed. The youth's heart is pure as can be seen by his interactions with others. His eyes are not veiled by corruption; he's never had a reason to discriminate his attentions. He sees everyone as what they are; individuals, and gives all the equal chance to prove themselves (For example, the way he treats Midna despite the fact she's different, or the Zora's and Gorons despite how some might not like them). Even so, he's been told about the evils of the world but it's all been by ear. Link might not catch someone trying to fool him or cheat him the first time, but he won't be fooled twice, he catches on to things pretty quickly.

Let it not be mistaken that despite his abilities to cope with the stresses of saving the world, the boy knows his share of fear and desperation. He knows what it feels like to be helpless and the aching terror of what failure could result in as is seen when he first becomes a wolf in Twilight and he's captured, or when Zant appears and transforms him back into his wolf form forcing him to make a mad dash to their only hope Princess Zelda. He might be naive to the world in regards to social and political manners in regards to people, but he's highly acquainted with war and all its damages- both psychological and physical thanks to his adventures. Once a herder and forced to fight, he might have spilled blood for a good cause but nothing will ever wash it off. He wasn't trained to be a warrior; it wasn't his job to follow in those footsteps as far as he was concerned whilst living in that little humble town he grew up in. If the young hero has faults, it would be that of simply still being in that important transition of boy to warrior (As the spirit that aids him in teaching him both techniques and ways to gain courage spoke). The road is hard and its weight is heavy for a lone wolf like him. Doubt is inevitable; fear comes with the job description, like when he found out that the shadow fuses he was going for could be used for evil and corrupts someone. After all, courage is only achieved when one vanquishes fear. He has grown since the beginning of his adventure in all ways and forms, his heart still pure.

Despite his many talents as a warrior on the battlefield, Link isn't quite gifted in leadership as much as others might assume preferring guidance from Midna, Zelda, or anyone with an Idea of where to go. Although he is quite the able fighter and is clearly quite intelligent (dungeons are sometimes mazes that hold hidden puzzles he has to decipher, after-allwatertemplewut), Link is more of a follower than a leader. He has no qualms in being ordered as long as it's kindly (as portrayed with his original interactions with Midna), especially if it's from sources he trusts. One can assume his disinterest in the politics of most matters might come from the simple-mindedness he has managed to acquire in his upbringing. Considering he lived a simple life, most of his philosophy revolved around: If there's a problem, you fix it. If someone knows how to fix it, ask them and then do that. If no one knows or if it didn't work out the way you were told, you try to find another way: simple as that. His reliance on others also comes from his ability to trust. When he trusts someone, he trusts them with his own life. In a situation where the world weighs on his strengths and the wisdom's of a princess, he sees no reason to assume her methods incorrect. If at any point in time she is mistaken, he's not opposed to taking matters into his own hands but that's hardly the case as portrayed when he separates from his little duo squad.. He picks his friends well.

In terms of how he comes off to people, Link is actually pretty quiet and complacent as seen in most of his dialogue with people in-game who don't necessarily let him even talk half the time. Never really having to speak more than what is needed, he's grown very accustomed to interacting and conversing with as little amount of speech necessary. Despite this personal choice, it's not difficult to have conversations; he merely speaks through other methods. His eyes are the most expressive, showing his mood most times. He communicates heavily with body language and is very expressive. Despite all of that, Link will be brought to speak if he finds it appropriate, however.
    ▲ Weapons Specialist
    Favoring the Master Sword over all else, Link is highly specialized in various weapons. From slingshots to boomerangs, from hook-shots to balls-and-chain far too big for the guy, his adventures have sent him into various quests that have allowed him to find a variety of weapons. Using his own previous skills and those he has learned through the journey, Link has become quite a warrior to be reckoned with using the new tools in his large arsenal with precision and technique. Some are better at things than others, the youth is a very fast learner.

    ▲ Endurance and Stamina
    As seen through the video game, Link can do amazing acrobatics and skilled maneuvers in battle, or through tough terrain. He's well built, has high agility, clearly a lot of endurance considering how much he travels and how much fighting he does, and incredible stamina. His job herding and helping about the town has helped him build strength and therefore allows him to move, carry or climb heavy objects or high altitudes no matter the terrain.

    Although Link is well versed in the ways of wielding weapons, he is not very good without them showing that at times without one he is almost easily overwhelmed.

    ▲ Triforce Wielder: Courage
    Link is a hero chosen by the gods who was granted the power of the Triforce of Courage. Although born with the potential to use the power of the triforce, the gift had been asleep within the youth until provoked. The Triforce of Courage grants him the ability to repel most magic forces, especially dark ones that seem common inside the realm of Twilight. It was originally the triforce that turned Link into a wolf instead of allowing him to turn into a spirit.

    For this game, his ability to turn into a wolf will be set aside.

Sample Entry:
Link had been awake since early in the morning busy at work. For once in a very long time, the Master Sword and his Hylian Sheild had been set aside resting by a nearby tree in case he needed them as quick access while he worked. There would be no slaying, no searching, no dungeon raiding today. He had woken up early for something else.

On his arrival to this strange new world, he had learned that the sort of lifestyle he had become accustomed to; the running through Hyrule and saving the day had been put on hold. For once in a long time he had time off. Unfortunately, despite the fact most would normally lay down, rest all day, and sleep all those hours that had been lost, Link had changed. Being on edge and accustomed to lack of sleep no longer allowed him to wake up late. Although there were perks to having a bit more freedom, he couldn't sleep late like he once did. It was a habit he didn't quite care for. Now that he had extra time, he was grateful he hadn't gone rusty with all of his other talents. Link liked being useful.

A fine decent pile of polished wooden boards had been arranged by size not too far from him as he continued to polish away at another board. He had been up since dawn working and once he polished off the last corner of the board he was handling, he carried it off and placed it on its designated row. With an inhale and a brush of his hands to get the dust off his gloves, Link stood back and smiled, admiring his work.

Because he had no reason to go out on an adventure, he had become very enthralled with helping others around town. The first thing he had noticed was their new living arrangements. Although livable, they were far beyond the standards he had acquired even in his humble home of Ordon. Although he wasn't an expert builder, he had learned a thing or two- enough to use his own brain with what was left. A look off in the distance told him the sun was up now. He could begin to work and hopefully not disrupt the princess.

Hadn't anyone been expecting it? It was only fair. Link felt he owed the princess and what better way than by offering her a suitable home? Of course, nothing could ever be as suitable for a princess as a castle, but considering what resources they had to work with, this would have to do. He wasn't starting on her home just yet, however. He needed to practice and what better way than his own? If he didn't do it right, he would spare himself any embarrassment. He didn't mind the work; he had never found it boring. It filled him with hope that his skills were actually useful. Certainly, after this was done and Zelda's home completed, he would continue helping the others.

He would be a hero in some way; Link just didn't know it yet.

The adventures he had witnessed were still fresh on his mind, being in a strange new world wasn't going to take them away. Not too long ago he had defeated a great evil. Not too long ago he had helped Princess Zelda and saved her kingdom and everyone in it. Not too long ago he had lost his closest friend. Midna's loss was still heavy in his chest, the silence that followed him now that she was no longer lurking in his shadow weighed heavy on his shoulders. He would never see her again. Link wasn't one to be selfish but, he understood that Midna didn't belong in the same place Link did, but he could still lament her loss. Twilight had really become a period of sadness; he owed Midna his life just as he owed Zelda his allegiance for Midna's.

Link would never forget all that Zelda had done for him and his strange friend. Although at first he had been quite skeptical about her, she held more mystery in her than Midna did as far as he had been concerned, he had grown fond- Zelda was wise and just as Midna had placed her trust on her so had he. Link would never forget her sacrifices for them- how could he ever repay his dept to her? The thought made him smile; he was truly blessed to have such a brave and wise princess. As long as he lived he would serve her to no end with sword and shield.

For now, a house would have to do.

!towerofanimus, !characterinformation

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