Oct 31, 2019 12:00
- Wed, 12:24: well, this is odd patreon: https://t.co/rME4OAPK2F ko-fi: https://t.co/v84vcaHs6l #inktober #drawlloween #voidgod… https://t.co/FSYEVGIzTd
- Wed, 13:17: #inktober/#drawlloween/#OCtober 30/31: cassius frost (he/him) & armitage bingley-bottom (they/them) from the court… https://t.co/XCXR6GEY1P
- Wed, 13:43: #flpinktober19 30/31: #sleep patreon: https://t.co/rME4OAPK2F ko-fi: https://t.co/v84vcaHs6l #illustration #art… https://t.co/n3H7Wy8vEF
- Wed, 17:21: huh they featured me? https://t.co/VPVjVMItzO
- Wed, 22:54: farce: day one thousand and sixteen #resist #persist #thisisnotnormal #itsnotasprintitsamarathon https://t.co/jmc52AfMIc
- Wed, 23:10: RT @ foxfeather: He took advantage that the baby gate was left open, but got caught. He knows what it means when I tell him he's not suppose…
- Wed, 23:16: RT @ NomaxArt: Deathbed Portrait, daguerreotype, mid 19th century. Currently held in a museum collection. https://t.co/unbeQTLxSb
- Wed, 23:23: RT @ infinite_scream: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
- Wed, 23:56: RT @ mothmanbot: Mothman is real and he hopes you're doing alright
- Wed, 23:57: RT @ 41Strange: Sigourney Weaver testing the flamethrower for Alien (1979) https://t.co/x4kA6Qk9hi
- Wed, 23:58: RT @ 41Strange: Skeletons in Medieval Art https://t.co/iS8ATerhTo
- Thu, 05:06: RT @ womensart1: Canadian artist Shanell Papp, who created a kitted full-scale anatomical skeletal/organ model #womensart #Halloween https…
- Thu, 05:07: RT @ amyrmarv: gender obfuscation ceremony where close family members meet wearing robes in the dead of night to agree not to ever speak of…
- Thu, 05:07: RT @ 41Strange: Happy Halloween! 🎃👻👻👻 https://t.co/PtQ73yaoqf
- Thu, 05:07: RT @ sikenpoems: From the landscape: a sense of scale. From the dead: a sense of scale.
- Thu, 05:08: RT @ trc_bot: He would be Cabeswater’s hands and Cabeswater’s eyes, but he wouldn’t be Cabeswater. He would be Adam Parrish.
- Thu, 05:08: RT @ meakoopa: a hard few days be brave enough to be kind
- Thu, 05:47: RT @ womensart1: 'We are the granddaughters of the witches that you could not burn' Sindy in Pink, 2015 by Egyptian artist Ghada Amer 'We a…
- Thu, 06:28: RT @ anni_delaney: it's bob ross's birthday today so do something kind to honor his memory https://t.co/30yNbXXzk3
- Thu, 06:28: RT @ sentantiq: Latin - Aut dulcia aut dolum Modern Greek: φάρσα ή κέρασμα Ancient Greek: δόλος ἢ μισθός https://t.co/Ta7epmIgor via @ se…
- Thu, 06:28: RT @ plastiboo: Halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween halloween hall…
- Thu, 06:30: RT @ vacuum_chan: witching hour🎃 https://t.co/Phc1nN06DN
- Thu, 06:34: RT @ ssurrealistick: @ WhoresofYore #WitchArtwork “Vuelo de Brujas” by Francisco Goya (1797-1798) https://t.co/uzETURP3bx
- Thu, 06:34: RT @ noncentroniente: @ WhoresofYore My favorite #witchartwork Salvatore Rosa, The Witches’ Sabbath https://t.co/TZ2pGL8S3K
- Thu, 08:30: RT @ ssurrealistick: #WitchArtwork @ WhoresofYore “El Aquelarre” (Witches’ Sabbath) by Francisco Goya (1798) https://t.co/VQA9SBY567
- Thu, 08:34: my favorite costume i've ever had or worn was a mousey costume my mom made me when i was small (i didn't grow a lo… https://t.co/faC6zKjSk4
- Thu, 09:21: myconids! MY PEOPLE! *looooongs for them in ent* 🍄🧡🍄🧡🍄🧡🍄🧡🍄🧡🍄 https://t.co/O1oFGFcOdZ
- Thu, 09:23: RT @ thejeffreymarsh: Please drink some water Please sit and rest Please love something with all your heart Please meditate Please take you…
- Thu, 09:27: i love that the chaos of this epic conversation is evidently making the rounds again https://t.co/qZ1GIPdl6F
- Thu, 09:27: RT @ ElleOnWords: "Why do you always make things political?" Well, your klancestors wrote the very basis for recognizing my humanity into t…
- Thu, 09:29: RT @ tamikahs66: America punishes BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE FOR SURVIVAL BECAUSE WE DON'T WORK FOR FREE. The Prison Industrial Complex is mode…
- Thu, 09:30: RT @ genderoftheday: Today's gender is sympathetic and lonely.
- Thu, 09:34: RT @ trc_bot: it was hard to shake the idea that they might all die at any time, which was bad for business both present and future.
- Thu, 09:35: RT @ Wwm_Shakespeare: Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
- Thu, 09:52: this ENTIRE thread is *chef's kiss* https://t.co/wDPNzd41xW
- Thu, 11:28: we've made it to #samhain *sings in #halloween* patreon: https://t.co/rME4OAPK2F ko-fi: https://t.co/v84vcaHs6l… https://t.co/784YWNGURW