(no subject)

Jan 19, 2006 07:54

seth came to visit me on monday and came out with some of us that night to OGO. funtimes and a dog named Mandie.

My schedule is coming along, I have four classes now. Hopefully I can sign into one more tonight. Last night I had the first Lehigh Philharmonic Orchestra rehearsal of the season...and it went well. We played Mozarts Jupiter and it is lovely. The second movement sux a lot because it is in a really SLOW three and I have problems reading 3/4 time, lol i dont know why couting to three is harder than counting to four, but it is :)

Today I have to sign into my 850am class and drop the 1250 one i had and then the las add will be tonights Soc class with hannah :) :)

hmmm so time to get ready for some classy class.

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