So, a long time ago I ran across a spainsh webpage that had a photo of lion_rose and myself kissing on it that was taken from my flickr account. I ment to tell her sooner but I didn't know how she'd react and so I figured I'd do it in person. Although I kept forgetting when we're around or other stuff happens. So I finally decided to show her today, which was stupid because I should of just went to sleep. I've been tired all day and left curling early so I could get some sleep but ended up doing a bunch of stuff that were important but not to this story.
So basicly she wants me to email the website (and another called everybodyloveskiss which I emailed tonight) to get them to remove them. Okay. But I also asked what she wants me to do about the photos on my flickr account then. Basicly she told me to make them viewable by my friends only. I don't know why this bothered me but it did. A lot.
I mean I get it. Its her right to privacy but like she knows I like to put photos online and she's seen them, and she doesn't have a flickr account so obviously anyone can see them. But its her wishes so that should be the end of it. I don't know why I got so upset about it. Its quite stupid really. I went and did it anyways. It took me about an hour and a half to find all the photos because I used to have a pro account but it expired and I haven't had the money to buy a new one (although I'm hoping to soon). So when you go to my profile
like so, you can only see about 200 photos, when I have about twice as much as that. But they still keep them on their server. So I had to figure out ways to find them all, which took a while, but I think I got them. I think the only photo up there of lion_rose now is one from Jin's birthday party a while back where we're all in the photo. I really wish I knew why I got a little upset about having to do it though.
Maybe its because I saw my way of life threatened. I mean, I'm not a camwhore. I don't go around posting my photo everywhere looking for people to tell me I'm hot or anything. But I do like it when random people comment on my photos on flickr. Its just a nice feeling as long as the comment isn't too weird (I was actually sad that no one commented on our photo on everybodyloveskiss, but it doesn't look like many do). I don't try to hide myself online. If I did, I wouldn't have the amazing friends I have now. I wouldn't of even met lion_rose.
Or maybe I was just bothered by the fact that I use flickr because anyone can view it. My friends don't need to become a member like on Facebook or such. I only have four friends on flickr that I would check the friends box on. So now if anyone wants to see all of my photos on flickr they'll have to get an account and add me as friends and wait for me to add them and make sure I check that friends box. Or maybe I just don't really see a difference between flickr and facebook. I mean all of my photos on facebook can be seen by anyone with facebook, and even with some privacy, if you're in a photo with someone else, that someone's friends can all see the photo of you.
Maybe I was just tired and in a bit of a bad mood because I can't get a hold of Alvaro about tomorrow... I should just go to sleep now.
I'm sorry for getting grouchy about the whole thing. I think I just needed some time to process it.
What I'm try to say here is, if you want to see photos like
or this, you must now go register on and
add me as a contact and make sure that I know who you are so I can check the friend box so you can see those photos. Also if you'd like to have photos of you visible only to my friends, then message me now because doing this is annoying.