Sep 07, 2004 22:21
Anyways, moving right along. Well this week is starting out meh, we dont really need details, its just kinda crappy.
Went to work today, actualy got like a few hours, of course its only like 4, but hey its somthing. got a test tommarow and im living on allmost no sleep, I meen I could sleep right now if I wanted to, but I keep waking up, kinda stressed out and stuff so its like causing the shitty sleepness, so my body dosnt like recover anyways, so its like walking zombie (allright dawn of the dead)
Anyways so yea I dont really have like a whole lot to say, but im waiting for this week to get better, but I doubt its coming anytime soon, meh Ill deal. You know me, Im owen, the bounce back kid....woo.....hoo....