Title: Duty
trickyladyPairing: Dean/Cas
Word count: >400 words
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nada, and most likely never will. All belongs to Kripke, etc.
Summary: Sometimes people break. And sometimes others let them stay that way.
Warnings/Author Notes: Angst, insanity. Possible spoilers, not sure.
Read it here Title: Luminiferous are our halves when they become whole
trickyladyCharacter/Pairing: Sam/Cas, Dean
Word count: >1k words
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own nada, and most likely never will. All belongs to Kripke, etc.
Summary: Castiel is not meant to love.
Warnings/Author Notes: no spoilers. just slash, and a smidgen of angst. enjoy?
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