Title: Surrender
Pairing: GDxTop, GDxTaeyang
Rating: R
Genre: AU, Romance, Thriller, Angst
Disclaimer: I own nothing, except my twisted mind.
Summary: Jiyong moves in with his boyfriend.
Word count: 1406
Notes: There is some violence. Un-betad. If there are mistakes, let me know. Looking for someone to beta also.
Love can be dangerous. )
Comments 14
P.s...ahh! You killed my baby! Oh wel i didnt want gd and ty to die so..yh. X
I guess other people are afraid of my twisted mind?
thanks so much for reading and commenting.
I had this idea in my head for a long time and I finally decided to write it. =)
i never like those storylines, but it's ok.
it's the way it's written that i appreciate.
great job. :]
but I'm glad you liked the writing style at least.
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Wouldn't someone like smut with their OTPs? lol.
thanks for reading.
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if you give me a prompt; I can try to write it. =)
and if you want it AU/angst/crack - you'll have to tell me in advance too. ^_^v
Ah, TOP..you pabo. *shakes head*
That was so sad, but yet so beautiful. I <3 your writing!
aww, thank you!
I'm always worried about the flow and such.
thanks for commenting!
This is awesome. (:
So do you still need a beta? haha
and thank you!
I do~ actually, lol.
I'm sure some phrases could run smoother, if you're interested in helping? lol.
that would be awesome. ^-^v
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