Please critique my paper.
It's due tomorrow.
It is on american culture and how it brainwashes us into feeling we need to look "perfect"
Do you feel too fat, too flabby, graying, and old? Do you feel you need to meet unrealistic standards of beauty set forth by European supermodels and pop culture icons? Well, if so, you suffer from a searing epidemic that has taken the world by storm. Symptoms include mind-numbing stupidity and noticeably increased shallowness of the personality. People who suffer from the disease generally become easily bought off by corporate America and herded like sheep and amassed into huge vats in which their minds are boiled until they are left at a low simmer.
It is my sad obligation to inform the reader that their country has been effectively overrun by a generation of people that have been raised in a time where media is an effective means of socialization or, more bluntly put, brainwashing. With the mask of individuality, media has subliminally pounded a message of one-mindedness, of conformity, and quite detrimentally of higher class standards, increasing the devastating effects of consumerism and capitalism. The classes are being split apart into the poorest of poor and richest of rich, as the system grows more competitive. One is graded in life for his monetary and material wealth, instead of their characteristics in personality or virtue. This leads to a decrease in the self-esteem of the victim, now lost in the tangled, lengthy appendages of the media juggernaut.
One such case makes a good example of this more and more commonly adopted ideology; an article written in the New York Times Magazine on Lucy Ferriss and her battle with the monsters of self-appearance and popularity. She was under trial and duress with the complications caused by her small breasts to her self-esteem. Feeling the message sent by various forms of advertisements, that bigger breasts are more appealing and desirable to the opposite sex, a form a woman was expected to take to be considered in this realm of ideal caricature of beauty and perfection, she became self-conscious about her natural body type and began to envy those whom were considered "perfect". Thankfully, she never made the step in her life to get silicone implants, for it my have thrown her into a dark, unrelenting whirlpool and dragged her down a highway of self-loathing.
Like deer caught in headlights with only seconds to live, she realized that there are people out there who are indifferent to the size of ones breasts and that there was someone out there that could appreciate her for who she was and not who her breasts were. She married that person, and thank goodness she did, because had I been the driver whose headlights she was in, and had she been brainwashed by the media into thinking otherwise, you would hear a resounding "thump" "thump" echoing into the crisp night air as all eighteen wheels of my fifteen ton, solid steel bringer of doom, smoothly rolled over the tainted body of her personified deer form.
People now feel that they can escape their imperfection with the use of drugs and surgery; both being dangerous means of changing physical and mental appearance. In an article written in Seventeen Magazine, a college senior explains in detail about his encounters with steroids and the negative effects on his life. He illustrated how even though the drug made him more muscular, it made him into a narcissistic jock whom abandoned all of his responsibilities and caused him to fail in life. Luckily for him, he eventually made a turn-around and was rehabilitated.
This epidemic, that has conquered a-great many souls on the planet, must be destroyed. It has negatively affected the judgment of people and caused the intelligent ones to suffer. With the aide of government funding, there needs to be a concentrated effort on making anti-media messages that help to build a growing resistance to the attacks of the media war machine. The new found knowledge shall be passed on through word of mouth, and we can use these ideals as analogical Molotov cocktails, to be thrown at the cars and buildings that embody the media's grasp on our minds.
In another article written in The New York Times Magazine, there tells a story of a man who was picked on as a child for being too short. He relates himself to historical figures that, as heightly challenged as they were, were able to move past their problem and become great leaders of their sovereign state. The article also helps to show how beauty and perfection are not just instilled in the minds of woman, but men as well.
In my own lifetime, I have fought with this propaganda nonstop. It has corrupted the minds of my fellow classmates and turned them against me. They would exclude me and torment me all because of my size. But they felt it was all right to do because if someone doesn't look perfect, they are different and must be ridiculed. This made me a very depressed youth and caused great trauma over the years. It just made me bigger and bigger and I lost control of my weight. Eventually, I got a grip on my life and started to change my ways, but the haunting from my peers over the last decade has left permanent damage to my personality and mentality.
I know I'm still being judged on a minutely basis. It bothers me so, but I doubt it shall ever change. I too have been brainwashed to a certain extent. I, at a time, would mask my personality with the latest fads just to attempt to be included once more. But now, I have become smarter than that. I don't look to others for how I should dress. I decide what looks best to me. Just take a look at my style: semi-long hair, long sideburns, goatee and a soul patch, T-shirts from the various concerts I have attended, stone-washed jeans, and Italian leather dress shoes. I have yet to see this style being pumped into our brains by the media. But when it does, I shall know that I have been part of that style for years before hand and even though it is the current fad, I will still be a unique individual.
Even though I speak in anger about this media controlled world we live in and the dangers of their propaganda, my mind is set on beauty being perfection and perfection equaling happiness. I find myself looking at others and categorizing them based on their looks. Not only that, but I also find myself treating those whom have the "perfect body", as described by the media, at a higher level than others. The fact that my mind has become this polluted with propaganda sickens me to the point of rage and disgust. Will I ever change? Who knows? If I do, it most likely won't be until the media has changed first.
People generally feel that there is more of a stress on good looks for women. They feel required to have flowing curves, ample breasts, and the most tight, skinny body, regardless of health risks, as physically possible in order to attract men and feel better about themselves. Even though men do find those specifications attractive, there is a limit, and even with that limit, men still find the traditional female to be extremely attractive as well.
As a male, I feel that woman stress more on good looks for men than they do for themselves. In my experience, women have passed over me because I don't have a six-pack, the perfect hair, perfectly chiseled face, or a muscular physique. Regardless if they say these things matter or not, I know that for a large majority of the mass it does. As of now I expect it to be that way. Everybody seems to crave perfection. As wrong as we may all feel it be, that is the way our brains work, and that is how it is going to be.
Unfortunately, I don't know if this horrible mindset shall ever change. I wish, for the benefit of all, that instead of looks being the basis of our culture, personality be what matters most. The only way to accomplish this feat is to go against the media. In the same way the media has brainwashed us into wanting perfection in physique, we shall brainwash the world into not caring by placing people of all body types into mainstream media and allowing a new worldly order to occur. With this impossible task completed, the world shall be a more livable place.