Dec 01, 2007 01:25
38A: Who is your best friend?
Haley James Scott.
And she has been since we first met, there was this instant connection and I knew right then and there that there was nobody else to fill that spot at my side. What is there to say about Haley? Aside from the fact she kicks ass? She's a law onto herself and she takes no prisoners, and she smacks me around the head when I need it.
She's been here my whole life and she's supported me when I've needed her to be there, and we have fought, but we made up. That's what true friendship is. Being able to fight but caring enough to forgive and forget, welcome that person back into your life with open arms. I've never known anything but acceptance with Haley and I wouldn't give that up for anything in this world or the next.
It's not that I think she's perfect, because she's not. None of us are. But it's all those flaws and all those imperfections that make her whole and real. Haley's strong, independent and amazing. The way she stands up for the people she loves and how hard she fights for her family and for her right to be her own person and do her own things.
I can remember every important event in my life and for the most part Haley has always been there, standing tall and proud right by my side. Yeah, we've had problems and we haven't always seen eye to eye but I know that if I need her Haley will be there, no questions asked.
She's my best friend and I never want another.
Love you, Haley.
Muse: Lucas Eugene Scott
Fandom: One Tree Hill
Word Count: 275
canon muses