I don't want you to talk to me about England. I don't know you. /:< I don't like you. I don't want to share those memories with you because they are sacred- and they are the only things that are truly mine in the universe. Schema hasn't fucked it up yet and you cannot take them form me. I don't want to share them or bond over them with you because I'll never see you again.
I don't want you to get your grimy paws on something so precious and dear to me. It's mine. Piss off if I'm like Gollum- It's mine and I don't want to tell you!
I don't want you to tell me about yours either. I don't care. You're ruining something that is unique to me! That's mine. Just. Stop.
*deep breath* right. That also has been bothering me. Like this weather outside. WTF Olympia? What are you doing? I hate Sundays. They are so awkward and weird. Whoever thought they were good ideas are on crack and I'm not okay with this.
Sunday= a day of rest. HA. More like the day you can do jack shit. It's the day after the best weekend night you've had, and the horrid waiting time before it is Monday that you have to endure.
You can't do anything but sit around and watch the TV in you PJs. Who hates TV and PJs? It's Sunday, not sick day, okay guys. Lets do something. BUT OMG FAMILY DINNER AT 8 YOU CAN'T BE LATE.
Fucking Hell. I hate Sundays. I hate the smell, the feeling, the taste. The weather on Sundays are all the same. That creepy ass sunny/rainy/cloudy day that never dries out and this darkness looms in the house and is magnified by the glow of the TV. And that feeling of a time restraint- you're tethered to some invisible pole that is located in the middle of the living room. You're a bad person for watching TV and a bad person for being in your room- and heaven forbid you go in the .
And Sunday showers. Gross. you feel like you've done absolutely nothing and now you're taking a shower to wash away what? What grime did you get into today? Oh you went shopping- that's it. You weren't even out doing anything vastly important because you did all that on Sunday.
Everything ends on Sunday. Freedom. Ugh.
I think I've phased out of my sad mood, and phased into my aggressive "rawr" mood. /: I've never really like people in my space- and I don't like being touched all that much (obviously there are exceptions- like high-fives and shoves, and hugging my BFFs), even by my family. /: it's so awkward. I tense immediately and glare.
And invading my space. I have no privacy- everyone is like, ": D OH HI! You're not doing ANYTHING important because you don't have a job, so where are you going?!" "when will you be back?" "will you be here for dinner?" "when did you get back, when will be back." OMFG LEAVE ME ALONE. I like my privacy, I like my alone time, I like being by myself. If I need company, I'll come out. If I want something or think it is important that you know what I'm doing, I'll tell you.
I'm also not my brother's keeper. He's almost 21 for christ's sake. I don't know where he is and just leave him alone. If he's not here, oh well. I'm not doing his laundry just because it's there and I'm a woman. Fuck you. If you care so much, you do it.
I'm not against helping you out: hence cat boxes, dishes, vacuuming, doing the laundry that is mine, and sometimes baking shit. I even hang out with you. I walk the dogs when I'm not terrified of being killed/meeting up with a coyote/ won't be dragged to my death.
And stop moving my hamper and putting your shit in it. Get your own hamper. And stay out of my room. I don't care if my cat is whining- I know when you've been in my room- you don't have to touch anything. It bothers me. It's my room /: I don't go into your room. *sighs*
I'm also not okay with this "I think we should act like a family today! :D" you don't get to choose, after 12 years to be a family on random days (mostly Sundays and Mondays) because we're not. You can't want me to hang out and watch a program I don't care about, just because you randomly want to hang out and watch the golf.
Right. When I come back from China- whenever I go- I am getting my own apartment. I love you all and everything, but I don't think being together is very healthy for me. You're smothering me- I'm almost all grown up. :D
Yesterday I hung out with my Jen-Jen. We went and picked up her dog and brought her over to hang out with my dogs. My pack of dogs are all giants and poor Faira is the only girl. She was scared, but eventually she calmed down (until they got all riled up again). We took Faira for a walk (but not the boys because that are a little special). After this walk, we came home to my mom and a lot of my dad's friends (some of which I haven't ever met) and my brother and Chris being awake. My father forgot to bring stuff home for dinner, so my mom offers spagetti. Which turned out great! I was glad I was able to weasel out of her thinking I hated her Spagetti. Oh god. What hell would we have been in then? I wish she didn't take us not liking her food personally. I will try new things, it's just eating that stuff over and over and over in Italy and back at school (and those nasty chunks of tomatoes that are cooked), I'm kind of done with it. However, before dinner Jen and I watched Cinderella III, it was cute, and yet painful at the same time.
After this jen and I walked out on my parents "discussing" something. After pumping Jen full of questions (actually just asking her works as well) I found out that they were "discussing" China. It has been confirm (as if there was any doubt) that my dad thinks it is a horrible idea.
Because I wouldn't be here to be watched over. OH NO D: NATALIE WOULDN'T BE HERE TO BE HARASSED AND MOCKED!!! THE HORROR!!!
>:D MWAHAHA. Guess what daddy dearest <3 >:3 "I'm and adult" does indeed hold some weight because people agree with me about it.