Mar 24, 2006 20:59
Well lets see, I am now 6 1/2 months pregnant. My baby shower is on April 29th, and me and Ryan have been getting along a lot better latly. I think the whole daddy instinct is kicking in with him cause he's been getting a little over protectice latly but thats okay, i think its cute. Got to see kittie last week which was eally nice, i wish i could have taken the ride with her and mal back to Ala but i can really take anymore road trips. Its best that i didn't go anyway though seeing as how i got super sick that and am just now getting better. Its so weird i can't wait for him to be born, i cant wait to see what my kid is going to look like and to be able to hold him. Its funny how before i was scared shitless and wasn't sure if i could go through this and now i"m happier than i ever been. I just hope I'm a good mom, i know ill do my best i just hope that my best will be good enough. I never want him to be scared of me and i never want him to feel like i dont love him or im not proud of him cause even though he's not here yet and he hasn't even doen anything yet im still sooooo proud of him. Oh yeah ryan has a show in birmingham in the middle of june! I happy that the band is taking off so well! And i will most likly be spending most of my time in Birmingham this summer for when storms come. Even though i know most likly we wont get hit again i so dont wanna take the chance of having to leave the day before landfall and go into labor while sitting in 8 hours of traffic just to get out of the city. Oh, and if anyone knows of cheap places to get furniture and bedding for the baby please let me know, cause im having hella time finding places that this stuff for cheap.