Losing your sight in the Nexus isn't fun. He stumbled around the Nexus for awhile, shooting his zaps away and cursing outloud in another language in the middle of his panicking, until he fell into a portal leading back to the mansion. Landing right on his back.
"Where am I?! Cho de!!" he yelled at particularly nobody or anything, as he tried
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Aristotle and Ophelia were already by his side, but she still approached, knelt down beside him, and asked, "W-what's wrong, Lightning? That fall l-looked like it um...hurt."
She raised an eyebrow as she looked at Corey, sock stuffed in his mouth. "And um...Corey has a sock in his mouth. Your h-hearing's just fine if you can hear me okay."
And he sighed with relief when he heard her talk and hear that Corey just put a... sock?! If Lightning wasn't too busy panicking over this, he would have laughed at Corey about now.
"I...um...d-doubt you will," said Silvermane. She didn't know how long the LOL would last - from what she had seen, some lasted for only a couple of hours, and some managed to last for days at a time. She had not heard of a Nexus LOL lasting longer than a week, though.
She thought for a minute. "In the meantime...I think I h-have an idea to help you m-move around the mansion."
She hoped that the idea didn't sound stupid.
"If it d-doesn't go away before bedtime, though...it might be a good idea to set up a bed f-for Lightning on the main floor."
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