Purimgifts post!

Jan 30, 2013 23:14

Hello, Purimgifter! Thank you so much for making a basket of treats for me! You're fantastic!

I like a wide variety of fic types. I love ladies and Jewish characters and am very excited about the idea of evil viziers, so you really can't go wrong with the terms of this challenge for me!

I'm happy with gen fic and slash, and extremely happy with het or femslash. I love all ratings, from totally family-friendly to extremely explicit. I'm good with violence, especially given that I have requested several things that involve a lot of happy-gleeful explosions, and ADORE spies being badass. In fact, that's one of my favorite things: badass people being badass, and treating one another well. I like silly and serious and happy and poignant, but would prefer to steer away from anything tremendously dark.

I am particularly fond of established relationships that are essentially functional and happy, and of close relationships which aren't about sex or where sex is inessential to the closeness of the relationship: chosen families, friendships that slide in and out of being sexual without it being a problem, partnerships, teams, and generally situations where people have one another's backs and know it. I think there's often a tendency to see Getting Together as the be-all end-all of telling romantic stories, and as much as I love those stories, I don't think they're it. I love people making arrangements that work for them in a respectful and communicative way, whatever those may be. I think there are rarely clear lines when talking about relationships: romance, sex, friendship,a and love aren't simple and don't come with easy-to-understand lines between them, and that's a thing to be celebrated. Stories about people being deeply connected where they aren't lovers or where sex is really beside the point make me really happy. That said, I also really adore affectionate sex - sex where people really like one another, whether it's kinky or not, whether they are seriously involved or not.

Please don't break up established, loving, healthy, functional couples to get them together with other people (examples like El and Peter in White Collar, Pepper and Tony in the Marvel movieverse, Kris and Katy in AIRPS). I am very happy to see them come to all sorts of agreements that allow other sexual and/or romantic relationships, but I hate the tendency to, well, put someone conveniently out of the way to get other characters together.

I like poly and kink and sprituality and folklore and would be pretty happy to see domesticity (especially slightly unusual domesticity) and pregnancy (but please no mpreg). I'm fond of genderswap, especially the temporary sort (which doesn't involve magically-growing hair or such). Hijinks and banter and capers and heists and mayhem and teams and people being practical and competent are my favorite. I love fairy tales more than just about anything, and adore fairy tale logic.

If you're grasping (or doing Oxford time travel), I love and adore anything from the 30s through the 60s, noir, and airplanes.

I have only a couple of fandom-specific requests: if you are thinking of writing me Inception fic, I would really appreciate it if you could avoid Arthur/Eames. I know that that is by far the most popular pairing in Inception, but I really do not enjoy it. My preferred Inception pairing is Arthur/Ariadne, if you want to write pairing-based fic, but I also love everyone and would be very happy with gen fic.

For Marvel movies, I love and adore Natasha most of all. I love all the ladies. I am not really interested in Tony/Steve, but am otherwise pretty flexible. I would adore SHIELD Black Ops fic, with Natasha and Clint and Coulson and Fury and Maria Hill being BAMF-y and awesome (and I definitely think any of those people except Nick Fury might have sex with each other, and it wouldn't be True Love for any of them, and that would be ok).

I would love and adore Portal fic that does something with GLaDOS or someone/something else as an evil vizier in the context of Aperture Science before it was destroyed.

If we matched on fairy tales etc, I want to be clear that I love pretty much ALL fairy tales and folk tales, and would be equally happy with a retelling of something I'm familiar with, a traditional story I've never heard before, or something completely original in the style of a fairy tale or playing with fairy tale tropes, or, I don't know, essays about what a fairy tale is to you! Seriously, anything you can think of that springs from "fairy tales" is probably going to make me EXTREMELY happy.

In addition to the fandoms requested formally, I would also LOVE to see anything from the two following (which aren't on the AO3 yet). They are both quite short, so good options if you are staring down the prospect of 6 fanworks and feeling overwhelmed, and I love them both very, very much:
Tikanu, ashnistrike's answer to the discussion of what a "Jewish Narnia" would or wouldn't look like, can be found in two parts here and here.
In Orbit, a wonderful short story about golems and love by Katherine Fabian, can be found here.

Just because I had specific things to say about a couple of fandoms doesn't mean that those are the ones I want most! I will be extremely(!!) happy with anything on my list; the ones mentioned above are just the ones I had ideas about or specific notes I thought you should know.

If you have any questions about what I like or want to talk to someone who knows my taste better than she ever might wish, the inestimable rosa_acicularis is a wonderful and willing resource, and awesome enough that I almost want to encourage you to talk to her regardless just because you, dear author, deserve to have her in your life.

Thank you so much, and I really hope you enjoy the experience!

dear author

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