Apr 05, 2010 01:02
Ok, so this has been about forever and a day coming; I'm sure none of you are shocked:
I've (finally) done a friends cut. Only people I haven't talked to or heard from in forever, no worries, and you're more than welcome to appeal - I'm not doing this as a statement about my feelings on you, but if neither of us have commented on the other's posts in years, you're probably on the list. If you want that not to happen, let me know! I am a reasonable soul! Sometimes! ;)
Also, good god y'all, I have NO IDEA who some of you are! Please drop me lines if you've changed your name in the time we've known one another, or have or three or FOURTEEN (you know who you are) journals. I can't keep track anymore. I'm looking at my list and it's full of people I know I care about, and I have oodles of mutual friends with, but I can't figure out WHICH PERSON YOU ARE. This is hilaritragic and also frustrating.
I might do a post later to... a LOT of you, with "Comment telling me WHO ON EARTH YOU ARE and WHICH LJ YOU ACTUALLY USE if you're on this filter and I will stop being sad. And don't get offended I don't know, srsly."
Just to be clear: the cut is already completed, so you needn't ask if you're being cut!