icons: 09;

Jul 25, 2013 08:35

[o16] marvel comics
[oo5] dc comics
[oo3] pixar
[oo6] randomness (including pacific rim, new girl and orphan black)

i'm actually embarrassed by the amount of pink and yellow in this post.

journey into mystery

journey into mystery

sif, cyclops, scarlet witch

jubilee, jess drew, captain marvel

guardians of the galaxy, natasha

natasha & bucky, batgirls



big fish, pacific rim, mirror mirror

new girl, utopia, orphan black

+ 2 alt

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ღ comments are supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
© credit is appreciated but not necessary
♣ hover over the icons for numbers

tv: orphan black, comics: marvel, tv: new girl, tv: utopia, comics: dc, movie: big fish, movie: mirror mirror, movie: pacific rim

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