Feb 12, 2008 22:10
Has any one else watched Phantom of the Opera and thought "My God that girl is dumb" or is it just me?
If you heard a voice coming through the wall would you think "its the angel of music sent by my dead father to comfort me and teach me to sing!!!" Hell, i take it as a sign to lay off the drugs. Not that her comfusion over the muderer in the mask and the angel of music isn't understandable, i mean one voice comes from the wall, the other comes from a hot guy with a cool cloak (horse, boat, sword, letter stamper..... gotta love a guy who likes skulls) and then again if she claims insanity it might just be enought to catch the wimp's, i mean count's eye. Nothing against you Rauol, but your not the tormeneted genius living in the basment, i mean come on, one has got his own lake, the other has nice hair ribbons and an inability to follow orders (Rauol by the way) The one thing he gets told to do he forgets, "keep your hand at the level of your eyes!" not that it did him much good when he remembered, falls through a trap door! My advice would of been, "stab him quick before he gets close enough to strangle you." But clearly that wouldn't of made a good a song. Better than what Christine did, cried tears of hate, ouch, gotta hurt those tears of hate, i mean like i care. And yet for some reason she is the desired woman girl wet blanket that all the men want. Someone explain it to me please.
I know this may seem petty and you may disagree with me, and in fact you think Christine is a lovely person who didn't reject the man who was her one companion for years and taught her to sing and led her to fame and fortune, even killing for her, purely on the fact he was horridly deformed (not as horridly as I expected though, looked like a bad sunburn from where I was sitting) and that she coped extremely well considering the circumstances, ( Yeah like the rich lord who suddenly took an interest in her after seeing her singing on stage to hundreds of equally rich people), if you are one of these people then I can recommend a good course of shock therapy at your local hospital. Have fun with that!
I know it'a only a film but i paid money to see it! Therefore i should be getting as much out of that £12.99 as humanly possible and ranting about it seems as good as option as any.
Making witty comments is also quite fun. While watching it with my family we were marveling at the amount of candles in the Phantom's cave, we decieded that one of his favorite past times apart from swooping around the opera house leaving menacing letters, was lighting candles. Thank God nothing in there was made of wood.