crazy survey... i was bored

Sep 27, 2004 20:36

01. Best Friends: jenna weber
02. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yes, mason wisor
03. Current Crush: ...mason
04. Hobbies: chillen... lol
05. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: i promise i will get one soon...
06. Redeeming qualities: my tummy
08. Are You Timely Or Always Late: usually late
09. Do You Have A Job: nope
10. Do You Like Being Around People: depends on the people
11. have you ever loved someone u had no chance with: oh yes
12. Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: oh yes
13. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: not really
14. Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: nope.. i have the one i want :)
15. Ever Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: yes
16. Are You Lonely Right Now: no mam
17. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: sometimes i guess
18. Do You Want To Get Married: yeppers
19. Do You Want Kids: uh huh

20. Room In house: game room... has a pool table :)
21. Type of music: all but rap
22. Song: it changes every day... but currently its 'live like you were dying' by tim mcgraw
23. Memory: this one time i ran into a glass door... haha...
24. Day Of The Week: sunday and monday... no practice
25. Colour: pink
26. Perfume or cologne: boys cool water
28. Month: december
29. Season: SUMMER
30. Place to be kissed: neck
31. Location for dates: dont care

32. Cried: i dont think so
33. Bought Something: erm no
34. Gotten Sick: nope
35. Sang: um yeah i am right now
36. Said I Love You: yeppers :)
37. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved/Liked them, but didn't: no i always say it
38. Met Someone New: i dunno... honestly who cares
39. Moved On: what the fuck does that mean
40. Talked To Someone: dumb question... yes
41. Had A Serious Talk: yes
42. Missed Someone: yeah my momma's in vegas :(
43. Hugged Someone: of course
44. Kissed Someone: of course
45. Fought With Your Parents: dont think so.. theyre both outta town
46. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: possibly
47. Had a lot of sleep: not really

48. What do you want to be when you grow up? your mom
49. What was the worst day(s) of your life? the day of the glass door incident
50. What has been the best day of your life? the day i made love to jenna
51. What comes first in your life? me
52. Do you have a boyfriend, girlfriend? yes, the masonater
53. What are you most scared of? spiders
54. Whose your funniest friend? hands down... jenna weber (shes my only friend duh)

65. Been dumped? yea...
66. Dumped Someone? yea lol
67. Had someone be unfaithful to you? too many times
68. Hiked a mountain? hell no
69. Seen the White house? um no
70. Seen the Eiffel tower? um no
71. Tried smoking? um yes
72. Played monopoly? who hasnt
73. Seen Titanic? i own it
74. Kissed someone? um yes
75. Tried a weight loss program? no im not fat
76. Jumped on a trampoline? yes with my love jenna
77. Visited another country? no
78. Colored in a coloring book(and had fun) haha of course
79. Been on a plane? ya
80. Been on a boat? ya
81. Been on a train? no
82. Been in a car accident? nope
83. Ridden an elephant? who would want to ride a fucking elephant
84. Made a web page? i have a harry potter web site
85. Played with Barbies? yeah when i was little
86. Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look cleaner? not lately
87. Broken a bone? quite a few
88. Call a psychic or sex hotline? ive been to a physhic
89. Watched Jerry Springer? yea..thats some funny shit
90. Gotten in trouble for talking in class? stupid question
91. Gotten caught passing notes in class? another stupid question
92. Been afraid of the dark? i still am
93. Been in the hospital(not visiting)? yeah
94. Had stitches? yes on my tongue
95. Dumped someone and regretted it? um yes
96. Went out with more than one person at a time? yes in like 6th grade
98. Fallen asleep in class? yes
99. Used food for something other than to eat? i once used a fork to brush my hair
100. Ever Thrown food? yea
101. Met a celebrity? um no
102. Ever loved someone so much it made you cry? yep
103. Hated yourself? no i love myself
104. Been brokenhearted? yes
105. Broken someones heart? yeah this one time in 7th grade i broke up with this guy and he tried to jump off of a building... it was lovely

106. Like to walk in the rain? yeah
107. Sleep with or without clothes on? depends...
110. Like to travel? depends on who im with
111. Like someone? my boyfriend... how many times am i gunna answer that question
112. Do they know? yeah im pretty sure he knows
113. Sleep on your side? i dont know... im sleeping
114. Think your attractive? i like my tummy
115. Want to marry? yeah ive answered that already god damnit
116. Who? dunno
117. Alaska or Hawaii?: Hawaii
118. Are you a good student?: occasionally
119. Are you currently in a relationship?: for the love of god ive already said yes
120. Are you involved in sports: no
121. Birthplace?: cedar park represent
122. Christmas or Halloween?: i like em both
123. Color or black-and-white photos?: i like me better in black and white but overall i like color
124. Do long distance relationships work?: absolotely not
125. Do you believe in astrology?: whats astrology?
126. Do you believe in God?: no
127. Do you believe in love at first sight?: no
128. Do you consider yourself the life of the party?: most of the time lol
129. Do you drink?: no it makes me sick
130. Do you have a car?: no as i previously stated
131. Do you have a job?: no
132. Do you make fun of people?: yes i do
133. Do you think dreams eventually come true?: sometimes
134. Fave thing to do?: rape jenna
135. Fave breakfast food? sausage egg and cheese mcmuffin
136. Fave Candy?: peanut butter m&ms
137. Fave Vacation spot?: jennas house
138. Favorite body part of the opposite sex: penis
139. Favorite cartoon?: family guy
140. Go to the movies or rent?: Both
141. Have you ever moved?: yea
142. Have you ever stolen anything (from a store)?: yeah jen and i gank from claires :)
143. How's the weather right now?: nice
144. Hug or kiss?: Both :)
145. Last person you talked to on the phone?: jenna
146. Last time you showered?: uh... 2 days ago
147. Loud or soft music?: depends
148. McDonalds or Burger King?: Mcdonalds
149. More romantic; baths or shower?: i just showered with a boy :)
150. Night or day?: night... i love sleep
151. Number of Pillows?: 1

152. Piano or guitar?: piano
153. Read or write?: Both
154. Single or taken?: sigh... for the millionth time taken
155. Snow or water?: both...
156. What are you doing tomorrow? going to school
157. What clothes are you wearing?: jammies and a t-shirt
158. What do you drink?: dr pepper
159. What makes you vomit?: vodka and yogurt
160. What's on your computer screen?: a collage of friends
161. What's right next to you?: my love jenna weber
162. What's your bedtime?: 9
163. What's your best physical feature?: tummy
164. What's your name backwards?: enirehtak
165. When do you get up in the morning?: when i wake up
166. Who do you talk to the most online?: jenna
167. Would you wait to have sex until you are married?: a little late for that

168. Shawn/Sean: Connery
170. Pat: dog
171. Bobby: my cousin
178. Jessica: kendall
179. Elizabeth: proctor
180. Ryan: the yaz
181. Rob: fag
182. Stephanie: nothing
183. Brad: pitt
184. Amy: lenz
185. Paul: kid in world history class
186. Drew: champ
187. Justin: kat
188. Ricky: martin
189. is this survey to long? um yes
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