(no subject)

Jul 03, 2014 20:20

Last week was meant to be the end of my contract. This has been the longest stretch of full-time teaching work I've had and it's been hectic, chaotic, darling, in turns. I have 10 more weeks to fatten my anaemic resume. Then I might have to travel.
I had a little freak out at 4am the other night over this. I woke up to my muscles twisting with all the stress I'd been under, and I felt close to tears thinking about the pressure coming. Brad rubbed my shoulders better, and told me beautiful, comforting things about trusting myself, and I am very much in love with that man.

This week I worked 4 days with little ones on an Alice in Wonderland play, and it has been glorious - highlight of the week was definitely a seven year old girl flawlessly rapping Super Bass.

I have just discovered liquid smoke, and it has upped my veggo game to no end. I have cashew cream potato scallops in the oven with maple-eggplant bacon in the oven as I type.

I am reading 'Fic: on why fanfiction is taking over the world'. I am only 50 pages in but I am already deeply impressed and jealous that I didn't write it. I haven't learned anything new that is significant yet, but that is because of detailed fandom essays (do people write those anymore or just reblog?).
My main criticism of academic commentary on fandom is usually that they are clearly on the outside looking in, which gives no insight as to what fandom is really doing. This author is au fait with kink memes and exchanges, and casually drops in references to alpha/omega universe. She's been in the trenches man; she's seen shit.
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