Sign-Ups Are Open

Sep 14, 2015 04:35

Funny story, I was all ready to have everything open and then AO3 kept giving me errors every time I tried to open sign-ups. Some language may have been uttered that was inappropriate for trick-or-treater ears.

Sign-Up Here!
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LJ Letters | DW Letters

Please, remember that while Do Not Wants are to be respected, you can not ask the person assigned to you not to give you a trick/treat. However, you can guide them to one that you would enjoy. For example, a fic where a child character has a nightmare would be a valid trick gift. A father werewolf and daughter werewolf bonding while hunting pitiful human prey would be a valid treat. You can also make it ambiguous or have elements of both.

I do have some sad news to share. Morbane has escaped. It appears that they made a rope using discarded Halloween candy wrappers. They then used it to climb out the hole in the roof. Then Morbane leapt off the roof and onto the saddle of a dire kiwi. The last thing I heard was a cry of "Viva la Yuletide!"
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