Happy Halloween,
Gifts have been revealed and every single square for the bingo has been filled. Great job everybody! 269 cats will be provided, as promised, but they aren’t ready just yet. Don’t worry, they will be up before creator reveals. Speaking of which, one gift in the collection should remain anonymous as that is the one for the cats. If you want to include your cats or honorary cats (aka all other pets) then email me at halloweenmod@gmail.com.
If there are any issues at all contact me ASAP. I will do my best to resolve them. Due to the volume of gifts I just can’t check everything on my own. If you notice an issue with someone else’s gift you can still contact me about it.
There will be more discussion on future rounds and about adding staff on creator reveals.
For now, just enjoy this bucket of candy. Feel free to post any recs in the comments.