Sign-ups are Closed

Sep 18, 2017 20:10

The sign-ups glows white on the computer tonight
Not a pinch hit to be seen.
A kingdom of tags and offers,
and it looks like I'm PumpkinKing
The AO3 is howling cause Yuletide's also running now
Couldn't leave them open;
Heaven knows it's time
Don't leave it open,
don't let them see
Be the good mod you always have to be
Hit close, don't feel,
don't let them know
Well now they know
Close sign-ups, close sign-ups
Can't wait for it anymore
Close sign-ups, close sign-ups
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care
if they're a pinch hit
Let AO3 match them.
Being a pinch hit never bothered me anywaytldr: Sign-ups are closed

sign-ups, 2017

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