Yay! One of the araucanas/ameraucanas laid an egg for the first time! Alas she laid it from a height, from the perch and it dropped 20cm and smashed into the poopboard. Hopefully she'll figure out nestboxes soon.
Meanwhile whenever Sophie Kitten brings us something dead, we feed it to the chickens. Giant bugs are delectable and shareable, but the precious dead mice do not get shared. Xena the chicken grabs them, runs around screaming with them while smacking them repeatedly against hard surfaces and then swallows them whole. The other chickens then look disappointed. I have a flock of velociraptors at the bottom of the garden. Who knew!
We have also put painted siding on 3 sides of the chickenvelociraptor house:
This side with the green door has already been covered in siding, but I don't have a picture of that yet. One more side to go, but it's the complicated side with the nestbox, chickenvelociraptor door and window.
And just because, here is my Easter tree which I'm now taking down.