...On scratching an itch...

Apr 26, 2011 22:34

Nack wrote a Note on FB and tagged me on it. And now I'm itching to write sth. Won't be long - got to go back to my last-minute revision after all. But yeah, I just want to write and I'm giving in. Finally.

The 'itch' has never really gone away - I've been 'avoiding' updating my LJ 'cause I know it can get pretty long once I get started so I've been more or less using twitter as a substitute. But, I don't know - I just want to get sth out now, I guess.

Several things on my mind. Just now, coming back home from work, I was just wondering - would my 'enough' be..enough? It makes me feel kind..weird. 'Cause I know I'm not REALLY going all in in this (well, if I really were to go all in, I would have done all my notes during term, done my extra reading etc etc so, yeah. That's not really gonna happen, is it) and especially with MGE. The others, I'm more or less ok with but the subject matter in MGE is just kinda..meh ^^! And it's stated that ou need 'extensive outside reading' for a First. Well, I don't know. I know I want to 'understand' the lecture material and if I can get my head around that and explain it properly, that'd be enough. I've never really bought into the 'Further Reading' bit. But maybe that's different now that I'm in my Final year? Oh, I don't know. Nothing I could do about it now, I guess. I've been restless and apathetic. Maybe I'm getting a little scared. But, you know, at the end of the day, what goes around, comes around, right? So, yeah. What goes around comes around. I'll just do what I can.

ZL is also quite excited about our trip. I have yet to check with Mum and I actually feels kinda bad. I want to do a little Meta on this - the whole 'travelling/seeing the world' thing once I finish with exams. She also asked when I wanna get married. I was like, dunno -  28, 30, 32? ;E!! As I said, I'd still be fine with 'Never' ;p!

Shutting down now - back to MGE. RNA Splicing isn't looking good AT ALL. Ugh!

I also kinda want to write a letter to Mum. She must be lonely. Miss her too - she called me last night when Nack left on the plane. Not very long now...

ttyl ;)

waiting for the Webcam software to finish loading - 5 more min. Thought I'd come over here and keep going for a little bit more.

Was thinking - you know how I always wanted to 'help'? How I really really want to go work with NGOs and do volunteer and stuff, right? Well, I was just thinking - there is more than one way to help and for me to stop now, it'd be a sad, sad waste of money and human resources. So I just need to keep going. And keep a look out. And maybe help out here and there in the mean time ;)! In fact, talking of helping out - maybe I can go donate blood again soon!! The last time I was home was for the Summer, right? Came back in October - so the six months period ends in APRIL ^0^!!

In fact, let me go book myself a slot online for after exam ;)!

ttyl (probably for real this time - it's nearly done ;)!)
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