Nov 17, 2006 23:41
This is pathetic. It's a Friday night in Collegetown USA, and I'm all by myself in my apartment.
Why's that? All my roommates are gone. (Duh.) Half of them went to a wedding reception hours away and will be gone all night. The other half were either in a play or went Latin dancing. And I babysat from 5:00 to 10:30.
Don't get me wrong, I love babysitting! It's just that by the time I get home it's past the usual hour people come by our apartment to see if anyone wants to do something.
I tried looking for things to do. Checked the TV...nothing good on that I haven't seen already or was in the mood to watch. I can't find my roommate's stash of DVDs. I went to the lounge to get a Squirt and see if the piano room was occupied. There's a group watching a movie and the pop machine didn't like my change. So I wound up with a box of Junior Mints.
I'm hungry, but I don't have any food that I can make fast. And all the food places within walking distance are closed. (LAME!)
My friends who I hang out with are out of town or busy. Or I just flat-out don't want to call them.
I am the epitome of lameness. Bask in my pathetic glory.