friday five and men in tights

Oct 10, 2008 18:24

Seriously, even though the Lois/Clark moments have been few and often far between, Smallville is rocking my socks these days.  I know, I know, I shouldn't judge a show based on my particular ship.  And I don't.  I like Smallville for other things besides snarky meant-to-be love.  (Hello there, Justin Hartley.)

Anyways.  Friday Five time.

1. What is the one most important thing by your side right now? literally?  My cell phone.

2. Why is it so important?
Considering that I don't have a land line, it's the only way people can contact me.

3. Can you live without it?
Not at this point.

4. What is the one thing you can't live without?
Food.  (Har har.)  Okay, beyond the obvious basics, music.  I have to have it.

5. Who is the one person you can't live without?

Brooklyn.  I'd go absolutely nuts without her as a sounding board for my craziness.

friday five, smallville

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