Jan 01, 2014 00:44
I can only hope 2014 is as good to me as 2013 has been. I'm happier and healthier than I was a year ago and to top it all off as I was enjoying champagne with friends this afternoon at Mon Ami Gabi I got a text that the board had approved my promotion. It only took six months to become official but it snuck in just before the end of the year.
Plans for 2014? Not much so far. I'm going to the beach (Nags Head, NC) this summer. The house is already booked and I've scheduled the time off work. I'm also probably going to Dubai in the spring once Penny moves there. I'd like to get up to New York City again for a weekend or two. Other than that I'm sure I'll work a lot, go to a few happy hours and hopefully keep up with my workouts.