I don’t know how I feel about the Clintons’ and the Bushes conoodling, as depicted in this article:
http://nytimes.com/2006/02/09/politics/09memo.html?hp&ex=1139547600&en=1355b70eb43e92a2&ei=5094&partner=homepage I mean, I realize it’s entirely possible that Hillary and Bill barely speak anymore (I mean, she is a Senator. I’m sure she’s probably sick of worrying about her husband’s extramarital activities; when your relationship goes south, throw yourself into work!), so this may have little or nothing to do with her in a literal sense. But in a symbolic sense it still carries a lot of meaning. In this day and age when the Republican party is controlled by neocons and evangelicals, is it really necessary for Dems to bend over backwards and like the Repubs asshole for even a shot at the White House? I suppose there are arguments to be made about catching more flies with honey than vinegar, and that we have a better chance of drawing policy closer to the center by being buddies. But let’s be honest here: it’s like the old parable of the lion that carries the mouse across the river, just to eat him on the other side. Lesson learned: a lion’s a lion, and even if it does a nice thing for you, at the end of the day it’s gotta be true to it’s nature, and that’s to eat stuff. Same for Republicans.