Back somewhere around 12 years ago, I wrote my first collection of music. It was during (I think) my junior year of High School, and I had no idea what I was doing. I just thought that it was so cool to have computers make music.
On that first tape (lol!) were only two tracks that were even remotely good. One would go on to provide the foundation for Digging My Way Out. The other was the very first flowing mood piece that would come to make up a sizable portion of the A4A library.
For years I've been wanting to redo the track. I really like the chords. In my archives that I'm currently going through, I've found my collection of failed attempts. And one that actually kinda works. The problem is, I can't tell if this is my remix, or something
dogslikeus did (it sounds kinda like his drum style). It would be just like him to be better at making my own music :-P
Mood v2