
Jun 08, 2004 21:53

today i watched elephant.
it was so...good
but not good
just real
and it made me sad
but i didnt cry
because the boys were so emotionless
and i dont understand
how anyone can
have that much hate
to do that without
any feeling of guilt
or remorse
even though i guess they were
what happened to being the bigger person?
and how can anyone ever tell when those kinds of things
will happen
because those boys
were picked on
but everyone was shocked when they
saw what they had been pushed to.
so yeah it was depressing
but it is a really good movie
so i recommend elephant to anyone.
and everyone.
except not small children!!

i finished da vinci code on sunday !! and wo00www it was sooo tyte except the ending was like WHTa?T!! cuz umm it just kinda ended. nothing real dramatic or exciting as i would have wished. because well i guess those kinda books are just hard to find a suitable ending for. i mean i would probably struggle with it...but then again i struggle with a lot of things. ! d000d.

&&&7 my mom went to play bunko tonight..you know the weird gramma dice game. that i would probably win at and pWn !EEEveryone except my mom wont let me cuz its her recreational time to get drunk and gossip about my dad with her friends. and THis isnt singularly to her..thats what middle aged women do i believe--is congregate, drink smirnoff ice, and gossip about their husbands. yepperz i would lOooooVE to be there now. drinking myself a delicious icy beverage, rollin some dice and talkin about my..oh wait.

thats just how THings AREee!! and i have been to hollywood video wWAyyy too many times this summer. and summer has only occurred for like a week and a half. i watch a lot of movies. yeah thats it.

*!&@#(@*& nobody wants to be my penpalL!!!1 so that sux!? BUT in case anyone CAResZ that i need some frienznnnnds cuz im lonely!? jaykay.. umm u can still give me ur address and slash or email me


it would be REAL tyte of you. and you!?mainly EEVeryone on my friends list..!! yes indeeddy.

i am going to churhc camp on saturday. well actually i am going to coleman[[my previous place of residence]]..where i will proceed to buy my gross body weight in cheap firecrackers. these will be securely hidden in my luggage because umm i am nearly out and i neeeed firecrackers. then i will board a charter bus which will take me to my destination of columbus texas...where i will spend a week running around in a campsite and getting dirty and swimming in a dirty lake in my tankini from old navy that i just purchased today because at baptist church camp girls are only allowed to wear one pieces..but my body is too long for that. or at least that is what i shall TELL them!! i mean im nearly 5'10 in the name of sweet baby jesus they should be understanding that those kinda things just dont work out on me!!

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