Mar 29, 2007 16:26
If I could pick one word to describe this semester, it would be overwhelming. Actually entering the program has practically tripled my work load. It's not that the work is necessarily harder, there's just so much MORE of it. I feel like there's a paper or project due almost every day (most definitely at least one per week) and over 100 pages of reading every week. And it's reading that I actually have to do, which is new for me :). That plus being on Exec and volunteering can be a lot on one plate.
But don't get me wrong, I'm really enjoying myself. Being in the program is so much more interesting and I feel like almost all of my classes are incredibly useful and pertinent. Being in Exec makes me feel so good. I love being to contribute to and lead my chapter. And I love the girls on the Board. I feel like we get along really well, which I think is a new thing for our chapter. And I think that it is reflecting positively on the rest of the women. I love it! And my mentoring is so much fun. Sha'wan is in kindergarten, and apparently he gets really excited every time he gets to see me, which is really cool. His mom told me I'd have to stay in touch and probably even come visit him sometimes. I'm cool with that. He's a cool kid.
I'm most definitely ready for summer. I'm going to be working the desk job at the rec, 40 hours a week. It will be different, but I'm kind of excited. I'll def. make a lot more money. And the schedule will be better than waitressing or something. I'd much rather work from 7:30-5:30 Monday through Friday and always have my weekends and nights than not know my schedule and sometimes have to work from 4:30-12:30 at night. And I love the people who work there, so it'll be great.
And maybe we'll throw some trips in there too and summer will be great. I'm ready to get there...
Oh and Go Gators!! Final Four!!!
G eorgetown
O hio State
F lorida