Danila's real name is Joey, but the receptionist at the vet thought that it was Danny, so using that incorrect information, we've taken to calling him the Russian equivalent of Danny anyway. Stinky butt is actually my preferred name for him, but Mikhail says that it's kind of mean for me to do that.
As with all the previous fosters, he's incredibly adorable. He's the one who's gotten along best with Renji. I've caught the kitten grooming Ren several times -- something which has not ever happened before with any of the other cats. Renji tolerates the kittens being around him, but not to the point of allowing himself to be licked and groomed. The fact that he lets Danila do that is actually a big deal.
Danila's problem though is that he's too energetic for his own good. He likes -- correction, LOVES -- knocking down the garbage can. Even if the damn thing is empty, he'll knock it down just to make sure that there's nothing in there for him to scrounge or scavenge. Till we're able to buy a heavier garbage can with a lid, I've taken to putting the bin under the sink, which I hate doing because it makes it easier for the person who needs to take out the garbage, aka Mikhail, to remember that it's down there.