Oct 04, 2012 12:23
This is actually a word that describes the morphological structure of English words. But I've decided to try a wheat free diet for Hekka. I thought about it last spring, but there isn't any hard scientific evidence that it helps behavior. But what if it isn't gluten per se, but simply that some of her ancestors came from places where they don't eat wheat?
The thing is, I've decided I'm not going to try and replace the same things she already eats with gluten free stuff. Rather, I'm going to focus on things that don't contain wheat like rice and potatoes (or fruits and veggies, even). I am going to try making brownies with rice and oat flour tonight. Brownies don't contain a lot of flour anyway.
Anyway, as I was praying about stuff in general last night and how to help members of my family get along in life I had the thought to try gluten free. So we'll see how it goes!