Sep 10, 2012 12:36
So I have spent my morning fruitlessly searching for the file that contains my 2008 Nanowrimo. I am trying to decide if this is God's way of telling me that I shouldn't revisit it, or if it's just the random and quite natural consequence of having driven 2 1/2 laptops into the ground since then. It's 2 1/2 because I had to reformat the hard drive on my most recent laptop a while back. Our house went through a protracted EMP/blackout scenario where most of the computers died. coincidentally..? we had just bought a livebook. So much of it was saved, but I do wonder about keeping some stuff offsite in case of fire. I have a hard copy of said nanowrimo. And maybe later today I'll get on that and just read through it. It's so terribly disjointed, though. I had always intended to do what I am now trying to do, which was clean it up.
Shoutout to Traceria, I was telling my sister in law about the Bourne Legacy today, and how I really liked it because I like Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz. I haven't seen a critic get into what I felt was an important aspect of the show, which is what happens with someone's emotions when you doubleclock their brain. I'm not sure if this was a big deal in the original Bourne trilogy. But I think there was enough of it there in Bourne Legacy. Though I guess I'll be sad if future installments don't get into that. There has been a lot of exploration of the opposite idea, of Data and Spock. I think this is a popular theme with people with a certain intellectual issue, I think sometimes very active brains do have more emotional activity and that's why we are fascinated with the idea of logic alone ruling. That or the man of action, who is not vexed by his thoughts and feelings.
Well, it's odd when a livejournal mood takes me over. Obviously doesn't happen a super lot lately. I wrote some weird stuff on my sparkblog about relapse last night. I'll need to dig more into that.