Jun 30, 2004 09:25
I went down to the mailbox today, hoping there would be a little card telling me to go down to the post office and pick up a package, and when I got down to the mail box and put my key in, it sprung open- the mail lady had stuffed the package in the mailbox! That's great, because it saves me a trip to the post office...Getting shirts in the mail is like shopping without a store...its great! Thank you to Candice for picking them up for me, you are the best. I sent you an email money transfer today, so let me know if you got it.
I get to go back to the hospital this afternoon, and I will be there until about 10, I get a four-day weekend after that, I don't have to go back again until monday! I think I am going to see if I can get some people together to go down to Fort George park with me tomorrow for the big Canada Day celebration, I want to get henna again, I did it last year there, and I loved it...what should I get?? (it has to be appropriate if it is going to show when I have my uniform on, but not if my uniform will cover it..I could go crazzzy!)
Anyway, I have to finish my prep for clinical today...I have been avoiding it, and now I only have an hour and a half to do it!
PS. If you don't know how to spell it, its Cecile