(no subject)

Feb 16, 2018 18:05

I find it rather hypocritical that after reading a bit about the emotional reactions to Guillermo Del Toro's dark fantasy, The Shape of Water's forbidden relationship between the main female lead and the male creature.

These same critics should rethink how disturbing/gross how movies/tv/fiction romanticize/sexualize relationships with aliens, vampires, werewolves, mermaids, beasts, elves, and other fantasy creatures. In movies, TV and modern books creatures that were originally seen as evil and forbidden, are now heroic and romantic. For example: vampires, werewolves and mermaids. But that's the irony: we have sexualized these non-human creatures to make it "romantic", just look how Disney sanitizes the love stories in fairytales compared to that in their original canon were dark, forbidden and tragic. I raise an eyebrow at fanfics that write human characters and Predators that have romantic/sexual relationships(usually non-con/rapey plots) but that's their kink in fanfic and I'll just skip those stories.

Del Toro's movies are not "light and fluffy" fairytales, he's well aware that he makes dark fantasy movies and if you're familiar with his earlier films, such as Cronos,The Devil's Backbone and Pan's Labyrinth, they are tragic fairytales that hit on very human themes and emotions. Co-writing with Chuck Hogan, he made vampires scary again with The Strain trilogy.

entertainment, musings, people are strange

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