
Nov 07, 2008 09:03

Wednesday morning I received a call at work that my donkeys were loose in the neighborhood. I couldn't figure it out and was panicking on how I was going to get them back in my yard, since Ron was on shift and could not come home. This crap always happens to me when he is at work. Well thankfully I got a call back that some neighbors got them back home. I decided to go home and check on them. The poor things had their faces all cut up and were bleeding, the fence had been knocked down, I just couldn't figure it out....then a neighbor came and said that these two big black dogs up the street had gotten in with them and were trying to overpower the one and bring him down to kill him. Like prey....I was devistated. The donkeys were running for their lives and bust through the fence (literally pushing it down) and ran down the road, the dogs still trying to get them. Our nice neighbor put the dogs up and had to herd the donkeys back in. I am still upset, they were very upset too. But they are now healing well and Ron fixed the fence, so I hope it wont happen again....

Tonight I have to go get a peel on my face...I have been having a big problem with breaking out, I feel like a teenager again. I went to the dermatologist and they gave me a prescription for some water pill that works for acne. I quit taking it because I can't stand how Dr's give pills for everything...The peels are all natural and seem to be helping better anyway..
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