
Feb 13, 2009 00:51

As if it wasn't bad enough that GJ just ate itself to the point where they couldn't or just plain damn refused to fix the service, they came up with a brilliant plan and decided to removed it altogether. Despite the fact that I didn't use it on a regular basis, I had a bunch of layouts, character bios and extended bios posted there. Not to mention some awesome icon posts that I had made. WTF? If they planned to close it,  why not do it the day after they shut down journal creations? Oddly enough, while GJ was damaged goods - people still used it.

Pfft. IJ is a joke. DJ is full of itself. LJ, well, it speaks for itself. Frank the Goat is fucking awesome <33, but I wish this service had more freedom. Isn't that the whole purpose in a journal community anyway? The art of expression?

I can't complain though, at least I have a service. ^^!

Well, since I can no longer host my layouts, icons, and character bios at GJ, I need to either construct a website or be all smooth and place them here. BUT WILL THEY BE SAFE!? Heh, kidding.

On a lighter note, what's the deal with someone complaining on how you speak to them? Via text on your cell phone or computer wise, what's the difference? It's coming out of your own pocket, not theirs. So, why say a word? You'd think people would be be grateful for even being spoken to in the first place. That you actually took the time to just say hello.

Ugh. I just don't get it.

annoyances, frank the goat's awesomeness, gj's lameness

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